Bedbugs will disappear from your garden in a few minutes.

As we already know, early detection and inspection are essential to eliminating these bothersome parasites. Let’s now discuss prevention strategies that make use of well-known bed bug repellents. Whether you’re interested in homemade, store-bought, or natural bed bug repellant, it’s critical to comprehend the hazards associated with each approach as well as what works and what doesn’t.

  1. Use of essential oils
    Although the EPA must certify the majority of skin-applied insect repellents before they can be sold, this hasn’t stopped people from making homemade cures. In the past few years, essential oils have gained a lot of attention for their ability to prevent pests, and they are particularly praised for their efficaciousness when used near children and pets. While some consumers may believe that using essential oils as a skin repellent is safer than using alternative solutions, this does not necessarily mean that essential oils are more effective.
  2. Earth’s Diatomaceous
    When it comes to the most popular DIY bed insect repellents, diatomaceous earth is a common ingredient. It functions by removing water-resistant fats and oils from the bed bug’s exoskeleton’s outer layer due to its abrasive qualities. The idea is that bed bugs will come into contact with the powder after it has been strewn about a mattress or applied to cracks and crevices, eventually drying out and succumbing to dehydration. However, it’s simple to avoid, because bed bugs are known to recognize and steer clear of these kinds of traps.
  3. Oil and Leaves of Peppermint
    Peppermint usually comes up as one of the solutions when people look into natural ways to get rid of bed bugs. Its aroma is supposed to repel bed bugs, therefore people are encouraged to use it throughout their houses. According to one particular procedure, the oil should be dispersed by crushing the leaves and spreading them around the contaminated areas. This practice should be done until there are no more indications of bed begs. It appears to be a messy process that will probably produce little in the way of results, in addition to taking a long time.

  1. Tea with Black Walnuts
    Black walnut tea is reported to have insect repelling qualities. Customers are advised to get rid of bed bug eggs and adults by scattering used tea bags around their houses and making an effort to cover bedding and any gaps in the wall. Nevertheless, there is no evidence to back up this assertion, because eliminating parasites is less likely to result in time wastage.
  2. Petroleum Gel
    It is said that there are numerous applications for petroleum jelly as a bed bug repellant. Smearing it down the bed legs and across the headboard and bed frame is a common technique. One theory is that bed bugs will become caught in the mattress while they are searching for a host by climbing up the bed, but what if they are already there? Petroleum jelly isn’t one of the few things that will get in the way of beg bugs and their blood meal.
  3. Applying Alcohol Rubbing
    There is a lot of evidence that rubbing alcohol is flammable but not much that it works as a bed insect repellant. When used improperly or in combination with other substances to boost their effectiveness, it can easily turn into a fire hazard, endangering your family and your house.
  4. Using Baby Powder
    Baby powder, in contrast to diatomaceous earth, has little effect on bed bugs. It is just not strong enough to penetrate these pests’ protective shell, thus it is unlikely to have the same drying effects. Although baby powder may be a terrific way to cover up their musty odor, it is not a very effective homemade bed insect repellant.

  1. Sheets for dryers
    Some customers use dryer sheets to cover furniture or scatter them around the house in the hopes that they will serve as a bed insect deterrent. Regretfully, there isn’t any proof that these products help in deterrent or prevention.
  2. Lotion
    A harmless way to lessen the infestation right now is to wash linens in the hottest water as directed by the manufacturer to maintain proper hygiene. Using plain, old-fashioned soap on your skin or in your home won’t keep bed bugs away.

Whenever attempting to manage a pest problem in your house, it is never advised to utilize DIY bed bug repellents. Professional pest management is the most effective long-term treatment for bed bugs, even while some other techniques might help stop the spread of parasites. Get a FREE inspection by contacting Terminix® right now.

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