Do not buy blueberries anymore.
Are you sick of having to buy expensive blueberries all the time? You could try growing your own. You’ll save money and enjoy the pleasure of picking fresh fruit from your own garden. As you begin your blueberry planting journey, here are some helpful tips:
It is important to find out which type of blueberry grows best in your area before you start planting. Some types like it when it’s humid, while others can handle being frozen.
Blueberries do best in soil that is acidic, with a pH between 4 and 5. Don’t worry if your soil isn’t right for growing berries. You can always plant them in pots instead.
Blueberries need a lot of sunlight and soil that is full of nutrients. If you plant them in the ground, put them somewhere sunny and leave about 5 feet between each one. If you’d rather plant in a pot, an 18-inch pot should work. Remember to give them a little over an inch of water every week.
Protect your valuable blueberry plants from bugs, birds, and other animals by putting a food-grade net over them and putting bamboo sticks around them.
Blueberry bushes can keep making fruit for twenty years or more! To make sure they last a long time, prune them often. Keep in mind that bushes that have been pruned won’t bear fruit in the year they were pruned, so it’s best to have more than one bush and prune them at different times.
In early spring, pay close attention to the buds. The blueberries should be ripe and ready to pick by July. Wait until they turn a deep blue color, then carefully pick them off the bush.
If you follow these tips, you’ll always have a fresh supply of tasty blueberries at your fingertips. It’s fun and rewarding to grow blueberries, even if you don’t have a lot of room. Tell your Facebook friends about these insider tips, and start your own blueberry journey right away.