Granddaughter wrote a letter to her grandmother in Heaven.

Her grandmother always asked her granddaughter to come and visit her more often because she felt alone. But one day grandma passed away. With tears in her eyes, her granddaughter wrote a letter to her grandmother in Heaven. Here’s why the little girl didn’t visit her more often:

“ This letter is dedicated to you, grandma.

The family misses you so much which included me the most. When you left I didn’t think it would hurt so much but yet it did. I didn’t get to see you as often even when I got to see you at special events but sadly I forgot who you were. I was afraid when you came close to me since we stopped seeing you I’m sorry grandma that I forgot about you when we stopped going to the events.

It’s already been 9 years since I haven’t seen you. Even though people say it isn’t my fault that I feel that way. I felt like that since I didn’t tell you how much I loved you.

If I got to see you again one more time I’d break down and tell you everything about how much I love you and how much I cried every night for you to come back. How much I wanted you to stay. I wish I would’ve begged my parents to see you more often but I didn’t and I hate myself for it.

I wish I could remember all the good times we had but I can’t.

When we got a phone call from my dad that you were in the hospital I broke down but to cry.

We came to visit you now but it’s not as fun like it used to it when you were alive, now it was depressing and very hard to see you die.

When your funeral came I saw you in the casket and I’d cried so much when they took you away. I knew I would never see you again until God took me one of his angels.

I know you are in a better place now and I hope I see you again soon.

I love you so much, Grandma”

From this letter, we can all learn one important thing: Visit your grandmother and take care of her until it is too late. She will always be waiting for you at home, happy, and will always think of you.

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