The 8 mistakes that turn your coffee into a poison for your body

All coffee lovers need to know. Take care of your health. Coffee can be a miracle elixir. A number of studies have linked coffee consumption to the prevention of diseases such as dementia and metabolic disorders.

Of course, we can’t leave out its invigorating effect and the extra energy it gives us whenever we need it. However, in order for the beneficial effects to be maintained, we must avoid certain habits related to the storage or preparation of coffee, which diminish these benefits.

  1. Buy ground coffee:
    We all rush out to buy ground coffee and run away from beans, either because we find it boring and too complicated to roast it ourselves at home, or because it is easier and more convenient to get it ready ground. Experts in food chemistry say that the latter contains more free radicals that can contribute to oxidative stress and various inflammations in the body.
  2. Keep coffee in its original packaging after opening:

Coffee should be stored in airtight containers. In this way, coffee will retain its properties in terms of enhancing antioxidants in the human body.

  1. We drink coffee too early in the morning:
    Specialists recommend that the cup of coffee should be drunk somewhere between 10 and 12 in the morning because that is when the cortisol level in the body decreases and we feel the need for extra energy.

A coffee drunk in a hurry at 7 o’clock in the morning does not help at all.

  1. We drink too much coffee:
    Excesses are never recommended. This rule also applies when it comes to the amount of coffee we drink every day. One 225 ml cup a day is enough for the body. Anything over this amount can lead to unwanted effects, especially for people who suffer from diabetes, and anxiety or have problems with gastro-oesophageal reflux.
  2. Putting too much sugar in coffee:
    One of the biggest benefits of coffee is that it stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, thanks to the antioxidants it contains. So, when we over-sweeten coffee, we only turn it into a dessert that has nothing in common with the original.
  3. We drink the same coffee all day long:
    We drink a few times from a cup of coffee, then forget it somewhere on the desk and come back to it two hours later, and so on.

This is wrong. The longer it is left in the cup, the more acidity the coffee has, which can lead to heartburn and indigestion and also attack tooth enamel.

  1. We drink too much coffee to pass the time, to socialize but unfortunately, too much caffeine makes us irrational and agitated. As a result of increased heart rate and respiratory rate, the brain is deprived of the oxygen needed for calm and rational thinking, explains the same study mentioned above.
  2. Stomach problems, ulcers, gastritis, and irritable bowel syndrome.
    Yes, unfortunately for coffee lovers, you should know that many of the compounds in coffee such as caffeine and various acids in coffee beans can irritate your stomach and the lining of your small intestine. Doctors generally advise patients with these problems to avoid coffee completely.

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