Horoscope until the end of 2023. The next period will be marked by a series of important astrological events that will affect all of Earth’s inhabitants. An eclipse of the Moon, Uranus leaving the Moon, its opposition to the Sun, the Leonid meteor shower, and, finally, Mars approaching Earth at a minimal distance – all of these will affect, to a greater or lesser extent, the state of people.
How the representatives of the different signs of the zodiac will react to these processes, according to astrologers.
Emotional and temperamental Aries will not find it easy to gather their willpower into a fist to react to everything with cold blood. And that’s exactly what’s needed right now. Calmness and complete equanimity are your protective armor at the end of this year. And if you want not only to save your nerves but also to succeed professionally, act decisively and with full confidence in your abilities. From the beginning of November until the end of the year, luck will be on your side.
The end of the year will bring Taurus a reward for perseverance and hard work. Your wishes will come true as if by the wave of a magic wand. You can achieve many things you never even dreamed of before. The only danger that awaits you at the end of the year is a misunderstanding in relationships with other people, sometimes leading to arguments and conflicts.
The end of the year will offer Gemini new acquaintances and meetings with interesting people. Perhaps some relationships will develop into friendships, and friendships into more intimate ones. You will meet a person close in spirit who will become a reliable support in all matters. But this relationship will also have a downside – you will have to make a choice between family and career.
Suspicious and sensitive Cancer in the last months of the year needs to regroup, stop being jealous, and make trouble for your loved one. If your personal relationship isn’t working, maybe you both should find your freedom and start looking at life in a positive way.
Lions at the end of the year will be looking for something specific. All professional and domestic matters will take a back seat, and new acquaintances and encounters will come to the fore. The most incredible thing is that Leos will finally be able to meet the person they have long dreamed of, but unforeseen circumstances may change the course of events.
The past year has been very fruitful for Virgo professionally, by the end of this year we move on to the personal sphere. Take a close look at your surroundings. Perhaps the person you haven’t paid attention to is your destiny. Be careful in financial matters, check carefully all the papers you put your signature on.
Single Libras can count on a happy reunion in December. But you have to be very careful not to miss your destiny – you’ll meet her where you didn’t even expect to find her. A favorable period for creativity, opening up all the possibilities to create talented works.
A Scorpio’s life is more and more like a swing, with ups and downs, doubts, and striving for a goal. At the end of the year, fate will reward you handsomely, new financial opportunities will open before you and you will be able to reach a higher level of development and material well-being.
At the end of the year, Sagittarians have a favorable time to draw attention to themselves and consolidate their authority in their professional environment. Be confident in your abilities, don’t stop halfway and don’t deviate from your plan. You may even accomplish more than you planned.
Capricorns are finally lucky enough to find happiness and get on the right path to success, which you will follow with confidence over the next year. Don’t be afraid to take frontiers that at first seem overwhelming – luck is on your side. Be careful on the roads, you have an increased risk of injury at the end of the year.
Aquarians have worked too hard this year, not always being attentive to loved ones. Now you have the opportunity to correct the situation. If you’re ready to legalize a relationship with a loved one, act immediately. If it’s in your power to give your loved ones a rest trip – don’t delay with this decision, at least spend a few days with them.
Romantic and dreamy Pisces will finally fall into their element – they’ll have good luck in all things romantic. Unexpected meetings, new acquaintances, incredible surprises, and invitations to dates will take Pisces into the world of magic and fairy tales. You’re in for happy New Year celebrations that will prove to be an incredible memory for the rest of your life.